Hi, I'm Sahil. I...

My Experience

Specialist in need. Generalist at heart.


  • html(5)
  • css(3)
  • Javascript
  • Jquery
  • Bootstrap
  • Semantics-UI
  • Api | Ajax


  • NodeJS
  • NPM
  • Express
  • Mongo DB
  • Restful Web Services


  • Vim
  • Bower
  • Atom || Webstorm
  • Github && Bitbucket
  • SSH
  • Gulp

Work Experience

Here are few of my former clients.

Kulite Semiconductor

Software Developer

  • Experienced software developer looking to help build modern products with the latest technology. Recently refreshed on the latest in full stack web development, including React and Node.
  • Experience in Client Scripting language and server-side scripting languages like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript with ECMA6 features, jQuery, JSON, Bootstrap, Redux, Express.js, Node.js.
  • Used Node.js on the server side and to install necessary packages into the application.
  • Professional understanding of System development life cycle (SDLC) as well as various phases such as Analysis Design, Development and Testing.
  • Develop Web API using Node.JS and hosted on multiple load balanced API instances.
  • Experience in developing Graphic User Interface (GUI) to display business data using jQuery with Cross-browser compatibility and Web application scaling.
  • Worked on Ajax classes for providing Ajax features in the application using JavaScript and JSON and DWR
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Archon Distribution

Java Developer

  • Expertise in development and deployment of multi-tiered web-based enterprise applications using J2EE technologies like Servlets 2.3/2.4, JSP 1.1/2.0, Struts 2.0, JMS, hibernate 3.0/4.0, Spring 3.0/4.0, JDBC, angular.JS, Java Beans and Web services (SOAP, Rest) Developed Servlets & JSP pages for administrative tools, using custom tags
  • Experience Front end part of the application using Angular.JS, Ext.JS, Backbone.JS, jQuery, Node.JS, Html5 and CSS
  • Knowledge of J2EE design patterns like MVC, Front Controller, Factory, Abstract Factory, Command Pattern, Singleton and Data Access Object etc.
  • Expertise in Threads Multithreading, Synchronization, Collections, JNDI, Remote Method Invocation RMI and Java Beans
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Store Locator


Helps to locate different kind of store around you.

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Innovative Front-End Developer with experience building and maintaining responsive websites. Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript plus modern libraries and frameworks. Passionate about usability and possess working knowledge of JAVA...